Tag Archives: wiki

Blogs and Wikis in Formal Higher Education: Examples of Open Education

Tony Bates follows up on an article about the University of Mary Washington’s A Domain of One’s Own program, which goes beyond campus blog hosting to offering students and faculty their own web domain and hosting service where they can install and manage their own applications such as WordPress, thus allowing them to truly own their web presence. Bates notes that the University of British Columbia (UBC) runs both UBC Blogs, which has over 22,785 members, and the UBC Wiki. He recommends that people “browse the UBC Blogs and Wiki sites in particular to see how social media are being integrated fully with credit-based online learning at UBC.” He also concludes that “linking blogs and wikis to particular courses and controlling access through the use of passwords enables a degree of quality control. Usually it is UBC students who are in control. This is a development of open education that deserves more attention”.

Link: http://www.tonybates.ca/2014/04/04/blogs-and-wikis-in-formal-higher-education-examples-of-open-education/

New Wiki Education Foundation Directs Program in U.S., Canada

The Wikipedia Education Program (WEP) is creating its own non-profit, the Wiki Education Foundation, which will support the goal to have the WEP directed by volunteers. Educators in the WEP ask their students to contribute to Wikipedia as part of their coursework and educational projects are underway in more than 60 countries worldwide. The board chair of the new non-profit is is Diana Strassmann, a professor in the Practice of Humanities at Rice University, and the founding editor of the journal Feminist Economics.

Link: http://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/11/07/wiki-education-foundation/